Key Papers#

Phil Steer - SIRCONIA data, rank antenatal factors

Phil Steer - ABC paper, avoiding brain injury in childbirth, data at the moment is collected in birth but prediction needs hour by hour data, and with Cambridge analysis, issue that delivery by caessarean, treatment paradox, bad indicators not bad outcome as did caeesrean – high risk factors linking with ceassarean section but not poor outcome because you intervened

Phil Steer - K2, Keith Green, INFANT trial, 46.000 women random allocation to computer analysis of FHR or not, hypothesis was that just looking at heart rate is not enough, and it needed to have accounted for other risk factors like mecuomia, rate of progress and so on, and less markedly, antenatal risk factors. One of their papers looks at relationship between antenatal and intrapartum risk factors

Phil Steer - randomised trial on oxytocin to induce labour, xgboost and shap analysis of risk factors in that circustances, eg. dose of it links with activity. There’s a lot of variables here, interested in the patterns between these variables, intterelationships between risk factors. Also dependence on outcome (e.g. apgar, intubation, icu).