# Research groups This is a non-comprehensive list of some of the research teams, projects and conferences in this field. ## Groups **Neonatal Data Analysis Unit**, part of the Neonatal Medicine Research group at **Imperial College London,** led by Professor Neena Modi. Founded to support the management and development of the National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD).[[website]](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/neonatal-data-analysis-unit/neonatal-data-analysis-unit/) **Oxford Labour Monitoring** group in the Nuffield Department for Women’s and Reproductive Health at the **University of Oxford** lead by Antoniya Georgieva.[[website]](https://www.wrh.ox.ac.uk/research/oxfordlabourmonitoringgroup) **National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit** at the **University of Oxford**. Wide range of research focusses, including involvement research around care of the compromised term infant, and running TOBY trials of therapeutic hypothermia. **Discipline of Paediatric Medicine** at the **University of Dublin Trinity College**. Wide range of research projects including e.g. GEMINI Project: GEnder and inflaMmatIoN In neonatal encephalopathy. Pi Professor Eleanor Molloy 2019-22.[[website]](https://www.tcd.ie/medicine/paediatrics/) **INFANT team** at **University College Cork** who developed automated system recognising patterns in electrical brain activity in infants with neonatal encephalopathy. **Pediatric, Newborn, and Fetal Developmental Neuroscience (Brigham Infant Brain Studies, BIBS)** in the Department of Pediatrics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.[[website]](https://www.brighamandwomens.org/pediatrics/research/pediatric-newborn-and-fetal-development-neuroscience-research) **Perinatal and developmental neurology** research in Paediatrics and Child Health - Clinical and Experimental Sciences at the **University of Southampton**. ## Collaborations **Health Research Board Neonatal Encephalopathy PhD Training Network (NEPTuNE)** which supports PhD projects.[[website]](https://nbci.ie/about-neptune/) **Neonatal and Children’s Brain Consortium Ireland**[[website]](https://nbci.ie/) ## Conferences and Workshops **Signal Process and Monitoring in Labour (SPaM) in Labour Workshop** - ran in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022. Next on 1-3 July 2024 in Italy.[[website]](https://www.wrh.ox.ac.uk/research/spam-in-labour-workshop) [[SPaM 2024 website]](https://sites.unica.it/spam2024/) **International Newborn Brain Conference Series** ## Projects